I love endings, especially happy ones, but even bad or sad endings are worth being valued because with every ending, must come a new beginning, in some shape or form.
The end of what may have been the busiest few months of my life, has occured. Even my closets friends were questioning my continuing exsitance since I had not been in contact with anyone for so long - due to the busyness of these past months.
Let it be known throughout the land that my God is good and faithful and so REAL. I am a living testemony to this very fact. I am alive and that's enough for me. For now.
However, my new beginning hasn't arrived yet...unless it did and I missed it.
I find myself now, in that space between the end and the beginning. The credits have rolled and the Amblin entertainment logo has been shown and now there is just the black screen, or the blue screen with a little green 'Video 1' display on the top left hand corner(depending on which T.V. your're looking at).
There is not much to do, but wait...and rest. Even though the screen shows nothing, the silence is peaceful as the memories of the past moments replay in my mind. As waves of emotion drift over my heart, I am left to contemplate all that has gone before and the endless possibilities of what is yet to come.
I am peaceful, sometimes broken, mostly learning to lay my pride down and trust in the Lord my God, will all of my heart, my whole heart, relying not on my own understanding but in everything I do, acknowledging him for He is the one who makes my paths straight.
I am alive.
And I am waiting to continue this adventure...and yet, even the waiting is part of the glorious journey.
mmmm, there you are. in all your beauty. I'm glad you're alive and well...and writing.
hey stranger, glad ur still alive!
we bought a house last week! how random!! nice 3 bed (soon to be 4 when i get my hands on the loft!) 1000 feet above sea level! gonna be chilli baby! Great views, but house needs loads of work. will send photo's in a few months when we move in.
Hope all is well with u and junior, take care and be good.
Cat xxxx
we love you and are so amazed by you. we are looking forward to the next chapter of adventure...with lots more blogging hopefully. it was so fun to say hello to you and so sad to say goodbye! until the next time...xoxox C, G, M & M
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